978-790-3457 info@metaview360.com

Budgets and timeframes shrinking?

We can enable you to do more work with fewer resources

Do You Need to Eliminate, Sequester, or Hide Old Creaky Systems for which There is Little Documentation?

Flying blind when Integrating Information?

We Can Help You to Make Data Rules Visible to All Who Need Them

Do You Want to be Proactive, Productive?

Get Out of Fire Drill Mode with Constant Emergency Requests and Overtime

We Can Help You to Adopt Technology to Quickly Exchange Information Securely.

Keep Customer and Other Information Secure and Confidential

Wouldn’t it be easier to do business if people knew what they were talking about?

Remember the adage “The biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has occurred”? This illusion happens in business every day. Key metrics, critical data elements, data definitions and transformations from system to system are vaguely understood, or “understood” in too many ways. Business data and facts are named obscurely, or redundantly, with imprecision, or are collections of data spliced together instead of one clear input. As a business grows, changes, acquires, and divests operations, numerous opportunities appear to impact business data in a detrimental way:

    • Business data and information are defined and stored in isolated silos
    • Confusion over data ownership and maintenance responsibility
    • Data semantics get mangled in translation from one system to another
    • Integrating company systems seems impossible in mergers and acquisitions
    • Quick and dirty data ‘fixes’, become permanent undocumented work arounds
    • Data errors occur through repetitive entry at many points in the business

Business processes become hostage to disintegration. They slow down. Errors increase and groups dedicated to fixing them are formed. The situation comes to a point where executives that need to use the data to plan and make decisions don’t really trust it. “Personal data marts” start appearing and multiplying until there exists no single version of the truth.

Who Gets the most benefit from working with MetaView360?
Our ideal client is a Fortune 1000 or other data intensive company that has legacy systems or systems still in place from acquisitions. They want to have faith in their data and information systems but currently do not. There is a high likelihood of “tribal” knowledge required to be successful. You can have data that is understandable, manageable, and correct. And Metaview360 can help, just like we have helped many others.